Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I apologize for my lack of posts. The good news is that my daughter has been born. She is the cutest little thing in the world. The bad news is that as a result of her newborn screening we are currently having her tested for a CPT Type 2 disorder. In it's most basic terms this means that my  little can't process fat into energy so when she runs low or out of blood sugar she could go into shock. It's apparently very rare, and she might not even have it. However, we are now on our 3rd round of testing and we won't get the results of these for 3 months. The last test showed high so they took a skin graft and more blood to test. Why a skin test? They are trying to grow more cells in order to starve them and check to see if the cells shows signs of this disorder. Since this disorder can be checked in any major organ in the body, skin cells are the least invasive of the tests. I'd rather have her do a skin graft then taking a piece of a liver or muscle. It's just nerve racking as a parent to have to go through this, especially when my daughter is so small to begin with. However we are dealing. I she has this disorder it will basically just involve a lifestyle change and for that I am grateful. I will keep people posted as I find information or if more information is requested.

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